


Peppercorns are the fruits of a flowering vine in the Piperaceae family. The green, wide-leafed vines grow long tendrils, where cylindrical clusters of the berries ripen. The fruits are small containing a thin skin, very little actual fruit, and a single large seed. The fruits are picked at varying degrees of ripeness depending on the strength and type of pepper desired and then processed accordingly.


Health Benefits of peppercorns

Prevents Any Sort of Cancer

Black pepper is said to prevent cancer when it is mixed with turmeric. This can be consumed in the form of milk by mixing turmeric and black pepper.

Good for Digestion

Black pepper helps in good digestion and when it is consumed raw, hydrochloric acid is released by the stomach and helps in breaking down the proteins. Hydrochloric acid helps in cleaning your intestines and barricading you from other gastrointestinal diseases.

Prevents Constipation

If you have less than three stools a week, then you may be suffering from constipation. However, this problem can be solved by adding some pepper to your food daily. Thus, black pepper curbs colon cancer, constipation, diarrhoea and other types of bacterial types of diseases if consumed daily.

Treats Skin Problems

The 'King of Spices' is said to prevent skin pigmentation (Vitiligo). Wrinkles and skin problems are curbed if you consume black pepper from a very young age. It also prevents premature ageing and dark spots too.

Aids in Weight Loss

The wonder spice helps you lose weight this is because this spice has a rich content of phytonutrients that helps in breaking down excess fat. This also improves your bodies metabolism.

Reduces Joint Pain

If you are suffering from joint pain arthritis, you don’t have to be worried because pepper has medical properties that can help you solve this problem. It also helps in preventing gout. It is also used for people suffering from spinal and joint pain.

Detoxifies Your Body

This spice helps you sweat and urinate a lot and by this, you discharge all toxins from your body.